Wendell Berry famously wrote,
" Eating is an agricultural act,"
by which he meant that we are not just passive consumers of food but co-creators of that system that feeds us.
At the LEAF, we believe that the education and production of safe, sustainable food supply is one of the most important factors in the health of our community. We strive to make an impact by responsibly producing a diverse range of nutritious agricultural products while shortening the food chain by selling directly to the consumer. This means the products you purchase at the LEAF are grown using sustainable practices, picked when ripe and sold fresh directly to you the consumer.
"I feel, as the producer in the food chain, we have a responsibility to make sure the food raised at the LEAF is safe, healthy and produced with little impact on the environment while educating the consumer.
I welcome you to come and shake the hand that feeds you.
We have no secrets.”
-Mark Ramsay
(7th generation Lewis Family farmer and founder of the LEAF)

Wendell Berry famously wrote,
" Eating is an agricultural act,"
by which he meant that we are not just passive consumers of food but cocreators of that system that feeds us.
At the LEAF, we believe that the education and production of safe, sustainable food supply is one of the most important factors in the health of our community. We strive to make an impact by responsibly producing a diversity of nutritious agricultural products while shorting the Food Chain by selling directly to the consumer. This means the products you purchase at the LEAF are grown using sustainable practices, picked when ripe and sold fresh directly to you the consumer.
"I feel as the producer in the Food Chain, we have a responsibility to make sure the food raised at the LEAF is safe, healthy and produced with little impact on the environment, while educating the consumer.
I welcome you to come and shake the hand that feeds you.
We have no secrets,”
says Mark Ramsay
(7th generation Lewis Family farmer and founder of the LEAF)